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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finally Spring!

The weather is finally warming up!!! yeay! It went from snowing a few days ago to the 60's today...crazy i know! I've been going crazy with cleaning around here today. I guess thats why it's called "spring cleaning" must just do that to you! Since I've been cleaning I don't have a new makeup look or montage today. I've also become consumed with a new game on my itouch's a bad addiction! Here are some pictures I took today...very random!

how i started my morning...and yes that's my bracket...go jayhawks!! haha

the game that i'm currently obsessed with...nerdy...i know lol

trying to eat more healthy...which means forcing down yogurt because it's good for you.

lunch...which ironicly enough i don't like eggs either...but once again...they are good for me

today's makeup

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